What if philanthropy was about remaking the world in service to collective liberation?

What if philanthropy was about remaking the world in service to collective liberation?

Freedom Dreams In Philanthropy

We are a collaborative of social sector professionals who embrace the tradition of freedom dreaming to imagine what our field and institutions could and must be to center racial justice.

We are increasing freedom dreaming in philanthropy by:

  • Inviting a practice of freedom dreaming through written pieces and collaborations with artists
  • Providing guidance and methodological tools for personal and cultural transformation in service of freedom dreaming
  • Creating spaces where institutional philanthropy can dream collectively and organize for action

We invite you to solidarity with visionary leaders of color as we work together to transform the field and remake the world. Our work is supported by the Center for Evaluation Innovation.

Logo Credit: QueridoMundo Creative

“Without new visions, we don’t know what to build, only what to knock down. We not only end up confused, rudderless, and cynical, but we forget that making a revolution is not a series of clever maneuvers and tactics, but a process that can and must transform us.”

Robin D.G. Kelley in

Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination

Meet the Freedom Dreams Team!

Chera Reid, PhD


Chera dreams about an expansive practice of education for liberation for her children and for all of our children. She dreams about traveling to places where her family can have racial rest. After twenty years in the social sector, Chera returned to the Black radical tradition of freedom dreaming to reconnect with her creative, bolder self. Her personal inquiry and longstanding commitment to just futures gave rise to Freedom Dreams in Philanthropy.

Efraín Gutiérrez


EfraĂ­n believes philanthropy, like people, can and should move from fear to liberation. His work in Freedom Dreams is part of his lifelong commitment to promoting love, integrity, and mutuality in our bodies, relationships, and work. He dreams of a world where those raised and socialized as men can free themselves from the conditioning of patriarchal masculinity and reclaim their right to self-definition.

Trinel Torian


Trinel dreams of a world with a deeper commitment to honesty, truth, and reconciliation. He helps with data management, analysis, and wordsmithing. Trinel brings keen insights on equity and social justice and a range of skills and experience from academia and the nonprofit sector. He is finishing his graduate studies at Berkeley where he examines access to higher education for Black and socioeconomically disadvantaged students in historical perspective.

Image Credits: Aaron Jay Young

Follow Freedom Dreams

Building collective visions for just futures. Come dream with us!

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